King House
The Place to be in and feel like a King!
King House Restaurant, me Traditen e saj disa vjecare ka treguar dhe ka eksportuar kualitet dhe kreativitet ne ushqimet e saj. Ndervite njihet per Tradicionalitetin e tij dhe me nje staf te kualifikuar ne kuzhinen tradicionale Shqiptare me cmime cmendurisht te volitshme dhe me nje inovacion bashkekohor. Ketu ju mund te gjeni rehatine, kualitetin, dhe inovacionin ne ushqi min qe kerkoni.King House eshte koherent ne kerkesat e Klienteve.Mos nguroni te shijoni Rezervoni tani dhe do te kuptoni artin e kuzhines Shqiptare.
King House Restaurant, with its tradition of several years has shown and has exported quality and creativity in its meals. During the years, best known for his traditional classifications and a qualified staff in traditional Albanian kitchen with insanely favorable prices and a contemporary innovation. Here you can find comfort, quality, and innovation in nutrition you are looking for. King House is coherent on the clients requirements. Please feel free to enjoy Reserve now and you will understand the art of the Albanian cuisine.
We're open 09:00 til late
Jemi të Hapur nga,
09:00 deri në 02:00